Brokoli Network is an impact NFT metaverse that enables users to earn crypto, while offsetting their transaction footprint. Their platform has proven its business model and is now well established as a leader in the green DeFi revolution.
The integration with Brokoli will allow Credefi lenders to opt for a small climate fee when the interest they earn exceeds a certain level — their contributions will help fund positive climate projects.
By integrating Brokoli Network’s 1-click solution at the point of transaction, Credefi will tap into the whole ecosystem of Brokoli’s climate partners and like-minded projects that can become borrowers on Credefi’s platform.
At the same time Brokoli will be able to add some of Credefi’s projects to its DAO as partners for its decentralized offsetting processes.
Taking part in fighting climate change and improving our environment is important for the whole Credefi team and they look forward to seeing the results of the cooperation — green projects realized with the support of Credefi lenders.
About Brokoli Network
Rapidly becoming the ultimate sustainability standard in the crypto and blockchain sector, Brokoli is a play-to-earn and play-to-impact NFT metaverse where climate impact makes you money. API wise, blockchain platforms (centralised or decentralised) can implement their API to allow users to opt-in to a small climate fee that offsets their transaction’s footprint.
About Credefi
Credefi is a first mover in the DeFi space connecting crypto lenders and SME borrowers from the real economy. Credefi’s platform enables decentralized and secured lending to portfolios of business projects or individual companies, protecting lenders while providing them fixed APY.
The protocol resolves the key challenges that DeFi and TradFi are facing today: DeFi’s inconsistent yields that evaporate in bear markets, speculative borrowers that are fickle and cannot satisfy DeFi lending supply, as well as the difficulty for SMEs to get TradFi funding at normal interest rates.
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