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CREDI Stake is LIVE!

2023-09-21   |   by Emily   |   399

Exciting News

We're thrilled to announce that the CREDI/USDT Liquidity Pool is now open on Uniswap V2, and you can start earning rewards today! Here's how to get started in just a few quick steps:

1️⃣ Visit Uniswap: Head over to Uniswap and connect your wallet.

2️⃣ Deposit CREDI & USDT: Add liquidity to the CREDI/USDT pair by depositing your CREDI tokens and an equivalent value of USDT.

3️⃣ Get LP Tokens: You'll receive LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens in return for your deposit.

4️⃣ Stake in Credefi Finance V2: Take those LP tokens and stake them in Credefi Finance V2 to start earning rewards.

5️⃣ And in 6 Months: Patience pays off! You'll receive xCREDI tokens as your reward. The only chance you will have to get our governance token and part of the fees generated on the platform, without burning your CREDI holdings.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow your CREDI and xCREDI holdings by combining the Uniswap and Credefi Finance together! Start now and watch your investments flourish. 

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